Don't take a chance...

It is very important that you do not leave the distribution of your estate to chance – things can get very messy. There are currently 31 million adults at risk of this, with research showing that 60% of UK adults do not have a Will. Having a Will is however the only way to make sure your wishes are followed. For example, if you are married and you want a sibling to inherit something, they are not going to without a Will. If you are unmarried and you want your partner to inherit your assets, they are not going to without a Will. These are just some of the issues that can arise – without a Will, things can get extremely complicated.

A Will doesn’t just distribute assets, it means loved ones spend less time dealing with your estate, allows you to choose guardians for your children, and lets you set out funeral wishes. Overall, it makes everything simpler for those left behind, and makes sure your assets go to who you want, without complications.

Please get in touch with us if you want a Will put in place, or if you want any other estate planning advice - we are always happy to help.